My 5 Little Delights This Week

1. I am finished with this semester! It feels awesome to have great grades and all of my finals done!

2. I get to see my family this weekend!! They are coming up from Texas!

3. I had an almond strawberry salad this week and it was Oh SO good. It was a perfect summer meal!

4. Staying up a little bit later just to watch House Hunters (on HGTV) with my roommies!

5. Reaching 100,000 views on my How To Frost a Cake with a paper towel!! Amazing!

Link up your little delights this week here:


  1. So glad to see you doing the Little Delights again!! Are you letting people link into this?

  2. Almond strwbry salad?! scrummmmmmmmmmy!!!!

    And yayyy for your family visit!! Hope you had an amazing weekend girlie!

    xoxo, Bev
