Cake Spotlight: Carly at Lipgloss and Crayons

Proposal Story:
My husband and I met at church, on Valentine's Day (I know, cheesy).  He plays in the worship band, and INSISTED that he would never propose in front of people.  He said that since he performs for a living, he would want a proposal to be private.  Every year, my church has a large Women's Christmas Tea (upwards of 1,000 people).  Women host tables of ten guests, and have a husband, boyfriend or friend serve as their butler.  I hosted a table, and my (then) boyfriend served as butler.  I should have noticed that he was acting a little, on edge.  At the end of the tea, the butlers sing "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and present each woman with a rose.  My rose was last, accompanied by Robbie getting down on one knee.  When I looked up, we had an audience of 1,000 women crying and taking pictures!  It's pretty awesome, we sit in the exact place he proposed every Sunday!

What were your wedding colors?
Our wedding colors were black, grey, white and red.

What cake flavors did you choose?
We had red velvet cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes with mint frosting, and vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting.  Our cutting cake was red velvet, my favorite!

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary?
We saved one of each cupcake flavor, can't wait to break into the box on July 31st!

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
Proper, but I think our guests may have smeared each other!

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day?
My husband's band played our first dance song....."Without You" by Keith Urban.  Midway through the first chorus, the tempo changed.....and they did a mash up of "Without You" and "Gold Digger".  Total surpise, but it was PRICELESS!  I still crack up months later when I see our reactions on video!

{Thanks so much Carly! I wish I could have seen the video of your first dance! SO funny :) I love the dessert table and the cupcake tower! Go check out her adorable blog!!}

Cake Spotlight: Autumn from "Mrs." in the Making

Proposal Story:
Tyler (my hubs) and I were long distance for the first 16 months of our relationship. 
 After the first 4 months, he decided to make his visit fall on Thanksgiving.  
The day after Thanksgiving (November 27th), I woke up to find that he and my dad were no where to be found. 
 My mom decided to plead the fifth,
 so I decided to do some investigating. 
 I saw his computer laying in our living room. 
 I opened it up, and it was on his facebook.  
Not only was it on his facebook, but it was on his facebook inbox...
and the first few words of the most recent message 
(to one of his man friends) 
were "You see that girl in my profile picture"
The rest of the message said "I bought a ring and I'm going to propose around Christmas." 
I was so ecstatic because 
#1 he wanted to marry me and
 #2 I knew to be "picture ready" when he came to visit in December. 
 I had never snooped like that before, so I felt guilty....but slightly satisfied.  
When Tyler and dad came back, my dad said we were all going to dinner and a movie. 
 We got home around 11 that night.  
My whole family was sitting and talking in the living room and all of a sudden, 
Tyler pulled me up from the couch, and said
 "Autumn Grace, I can't imagine my life without you..." 
I don't remember anything else he said because he proceeded to get on one knee and I started bawling my eyes out.  Supposedly he left his facebook open on purpose. 
 He knows I always want to know what's going on. 
 He knew I would cave and read that message.
 His plan, to throw me off, worked because I sure wasn't expecting it, 
and I sure wasn't "picture ready"!

What were your wedding colors?

 My wedding colors were dark purple, light green and ivory.

What cake flavors did you choose?

Oh my.  We had a cupcake cake and it was absolutely amazing.  
We had 4 flavors: 
Carrot Cake with Pineapple Filling and Maple Buttercream Frosting; 
Red Velvet with Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Filling and Blush Buttercream Frosting; 
 Tirimisu with Chocolate Mocha Frosting; 
and Italian Cream with Bavarian Coconut Filling and Coconut Buttercream Frosting.
Yes, they were all as delicious as they sound!

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary?

We had a tiny cake at the top of our cupcake cake, and that baby has been freezing since August 6, 2011.
And in a little less than 2 months, 
it will be in my belly.

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?

Not just proper.
We fed each other with forks.
I definitely wasn't thinking.
The pictures look pretty awkward.

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day?
There are two funny things that happened on my wedding day:
one: Tyler had a groom's cake. 
 It was a life size Gibson electric guitar.  
Someone stuck their finger in it.  
We thought it was my little 10 year old cousin.
Turns out, it was the 90 year old janitor of the church we got married in.
I guess his curiosity got the best of him?
Thankfully, the precious lady who made it was able to come and fix it!

two:  My maid of honor had a massive foot cramp 2 seconds before she had to walk down the aisle.
I thought she was going to have to go barefoot.
She managed to stuff her foot in her pump and grin through the pain.

{Thanks Autumn! Those cake flavors sounds A.MAZ.ING! And I loved the proposal story :) Go check out Autumn's  adorable blog!!}

Tutorial Tuesday: 4th Of July Cake

Can you believe the 4th of July is next week?! This summer is flying by! I made this 4th of July cake using a 6" and 8" square. I absolutely love this cake and the design.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! Let me know what you think!

Cake Spotlight: Elease from The Little Lovebirds

the proposal: i hate to say it, but i just may have the most romantic proposal story ever! it's so hard to give a condense version, but here you go... lovebird pulled off the complete surprise proposal {which has always been my little girl dream}. after lying to me for months about not being able to fly out and see my big ballet performance, he surprised me by coming onto stage the minute the curtain fell to ask the golden question. Him in his suit and me in my white tutu... it was the perfect ballerina, romantic and surprise proposal. {read the full story here}

wedding colors: coral, salmon, peach... and a touch of orange.

cake flavors:after many taste samples, we went with coconut and lemon. {chocolate sheet cake was served on the side with gelato- for those who weren't there for the cake cutting}

save the cake?:of course! i'm all about tradition. however, i do have a funny story about this. we did save our cake to eat on our one year mark. right after the wedding, my parents stored it in our freezer while we went on our honeymoon and than later moved down to california. obviously, we couldn't take it in the hot car on our move down- so, we figured we'd eat it when we took a trip back home a year or so later. come to find out, my parents decided to indulge in eating our top layer on our wedding anniversary since we weren't home. i was initially very sad, but now i just laugh about it.

proper or smeared?: we went for class and cut the cake prim and proper. we fed the first bite to one another very nicely until the very last second... where we both tried to pull a sneaky maneuver. i say, we got the best of both worlds: a little proper and a little smeared. 

funny stories of the wedding day: we actually have plenty. however, the most laughed about {now, but not then} story is the fact that lovebird {my hubby} got in a car accident on the way to the chapel. Dressed in his finest, bow tie and all, he had to get out in the pouring rain and deal with this car accident minutes before the ceremony. unfortunately, the cop wasn't very understanding of the fact he was the groom in a wedding just moments from then. we laugh about it now, and will forever. one last short story.... above i mentioned it was pouring rain on our wedding day. believe it or not, rain on my wedding day was another dream of mine, because it means good luck. {"tying the knot"- it's harder to undo a wet knot}. But the funny or rather awesome thing about the rain that day, was that it only rained when we were inside. literally, the minute we stepped outside it stopped raining {pictures were gorgeous and the coolness on a hot summer day was ideal} and every time we were inside it would start dumping rain. pure luck and beauty if you ask me! 

i hope you enjoyed reading the little tidbits from our wedding day. 
we are coming up on our two year anniversary this summer-
and i can't believe it was two years ago already.
this was a fun post to do, because now all the fun memories are rushing back... 
 helping me feel like my wedding day was just yesterday. 

p.s. i'd love you to stop by my blog so i can discover your cute blog in return!

{Thanks Elease! I never knew the reason behind the saying "tying the knot"! I really loved the layer with a variety of flowers on your cake :) Go check out her adorable blog! }

Cake Spotlight: Bronwyn from Our Beautiful Blessings

Proposal Story:
We had been dating for 9 months when we decided to take a day trip to Biltmore Estate on February 9, 2011. I thought it was just going to be a fun day spent there, but it was so much more! After we had explored a bit, we decided to go on a walk down one of the many paths. We found a bench and just sat and talked for a while. It was just the two of us and very peaceful.
Then Stephen said, "Can I ask you something?" And he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I of course said "YES!" Then I immediately went to hug and kiss him.

What were your wedding colors?
We chose navy and orange.

What cake flavors did you choose?
We had a few different flavors of cupcakes: lemon, strawberry, red velvet, and vanilla.

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary?
We did! It's in our freezer now.  

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
When I gave a bite of cake to him it was nice and proper, and when he gave me a bite, it started being proper but ended smeared. Then I took some and smeared it on him. It was funny.

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day?
Everything went perfectly for our wedding and reception. But, when Stephen and I left was when the bad/funny thing happened. My dad's GPS was in my car, and our address was already in it. Our wedding was about 30 minutes away from our apartment. So, we followed the GPS. We got lost. It took us about an hour to get home. It was quite funny though. We just kept laughing the whole time.

{How great are those cupcakes?! I love them! Make sure you go check out Bronwyn and her cute blog!}

p.s. the giveaway closes tonight! Don't forget to make your extra entries!


I'm so excited to announce that I am going to be giving a lucky reader their very own Make 'n Mold Engagement Ring Chocolate Mold! Remember when I used them for these cupcakes?

Now you can make them yourselves! Go here to learn how to make them!
I wish I could give these out to all of my wonderful readers! These are a lifesaver when you want to make some great cupcakes look amazing!

All you have to do is...
-Make sure you are a follower of this blog
-Comment on this post saying what your favorite part of Wedding Month is!
-Receive more entries with the options below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You only have until Friday night so make sure you get as many entries as you can!!

Tutorial Tuesday: Scroll Work Basics

Scroll work is really popular on cakes that are going for a classic or fancy look. I love scroll work on a wedding cake because it makes it stand out and it looks like there was a significant amount of time spent on decorating it (and there most definitely was!).

This technic takes a lot of practice. I still am not perfect and I love to keep working on it. Make sure that when you are making the swirls that you don't hold the frosting tip right up against the frosting. Let the frosting flow out of your decorating bag and guide it into swirls. I like to study pictures of cake with scroll work on it to give me more ideas and examples that I can add to my cakes. 

Here is a tutorial showing you the scroll work basics on some cupcakes. 

Please let me know if you have any specific questions! This can be hard if you have never done it before :)

Tomorrow is a GIVEAWAY!! The prize is a chocolate Engagement Ring mold found on this post! I recently found out that these are hard to find so I decided to give one away for a lucky person! Don't forget to come back tomorrow!

Cake Spotlight: Leigh Anne from Hart to Heart

Give a brief summary of how your husband proposed.
 The proposal was PERFECT. It was our first ever 'fancy' date that we had been on. It was November 20th, 2010 and M. took me to the Melting Pot, in Ohio's capital. After our night of eating way too much, he walked me to the most gorgeous, larger than life lit up Christmas tree, and got down on one knee and popped the question! An added surprise was that his sister and her friend took the drive to Columbus just to be there to photograph the proposal! I didn't even know they were there until a solid 5 minutes after the fact! 

What were your wedding colors?
Our wedding colors were Navy blue, and Sunbeam Yellow!  

What cake flavors did you choose?
Red Velvet! Red Velvet is my all time favorite cake ever!  

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary?
We did save it, however my husband is in Afghanistan and will be for our 1st anniversary. Hopefully the next time we are both in Ohio we will be able to enjoy it!  
First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
I *promised* not to smash it in his face. However, I made the split second decision to revoke my promise (: No worries, M. got payback too!  

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day? 
Oh my... well, on our beautiful July wedding day it was a scorching 91 degrees outside, and our chapel where we had the ceremony was NOT air conditioned. Aside from the fact we were dripping in sweat, right as we said "I do", the heavens opened, the thunder started and there was a huge crash of lightning. It was an interesting twist! 

{Thanks Leigh Anne! The tier with the yellow daisy's was a perfect touch to your wedding colors! I love the cake smearing pictures :) Go check out Leigh Anne's awesome blog Hart to Heart!}

Pinterest Can Plan My Wedding!

When I saw this ecard I just had to laugh! I love pinning great ideas that I could use for my wedding one day! And since it is Wedding Month I decided to show you some great ideas that I have found... starting with cakes! (of course) :)

I love looking at the amazing wedding cakes that are out there! I am kind of picky about what I would want my wedding cake to look like. I really love the look of square cakes and think they are perfect for weddings. There are different elements of these cakes that I like:
#1 I absolutely love the huge cascading flower. It is SO unique!
#2 The piping is Time consuming? Definitely. Worth it? Definitely :)
#3 I love the flowers and the flower "print". I also love that it's square!
#4 I really love the flowers. They might be some form of stephanotis or hydrangea flower which are so simple and so elegant.
#5 There is such a unique look that I've never found before! It looks like embossed leaves and stems and then they have the flowers popping out. It is beautiful!

I could really go on and on with different cake designs (but I'll stop here before I get carried away!). Here are some other great pictures I have found on Pinterest:

#1 These colors are SO cute! Teal and salmon/pink is really popular right now and such a great color combination for spring!
#2 I love the wedding band on this ring! If the main diamond was square it would be so much better :)
#3 The ruffles on these shoes are so cute!
#4 I have never seen a bouquet like this! I fell in love with it! It is a white rosette made of vendela roses and they extended it with more petals to look bigger. It's simple and unique.
#5 I love this hair style for a wedding!

Here are some ideas for a future dress:

#1 I really love the mermaid look to a dress and this one is so elegant!
#2 The layers that flow down throughout the dress looks so flattering. The back of this dress is amazing!
#3 This is an example of the mermaid and ruffles that I LOVE!
#4 I love the sleeves on this dress. My future dress is going to be modest!
#5 I really like the embellishment and "bling" this dress has around the waist.

What are your favorite things to pin? Pinterest is the greatest!

Cake Spotlight: Kirstie from You+Me=We

Proposal Story:
My husband the week prior had told me he wanted to get out and try new things, and being an outgoing person I said sure why not! At this time in my life I was working graveyards, so for me 3 pm was my morning. My twin sister (who had slept over) Told me that Michael was going to meet us at the Mall. Now once we got to the University Mall, she was being OVERLY nice, letting me pick the stores and buying me ice cream. Love my sister but she NEVER offers to pay for anything. So Michael had texted and said lets meet at the Build-A-Bear. (Background, I have collected bears since i was 9 years old) So I was excited to go. We had run into my cousins at the mall and they headed with us. Michael let me pick out any bear in the store. Once they stuffed it the Bear consultant told me to give a squeeze (which if you haven't been there before that's what they normally do) I squeezed it and a voice came on saying, "Kirstie I have question for you, Will you marry me?" I turned around and Michael was down on one knee holding the ring he had dropped a second a before. I couldn't say yes out loud I just squeezed the bear and shook my head yes.

What were your wedding colors?
They where black, white and a dark purple

What cake flavors did you choose?
Vanilla with a chocolate center

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary? 
We attempted to save the cake, but we got a head of ourselves and ate most of it by the three month mark.

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
Proper :)

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day?
At the reception my grandma who is 74 years old, had all the boys on each arm and took charge of the dance floor. Man my granny can dance.

After we had gotten married and I was putting my dress on, my mom hooked my train before putting my shoes on (converse sneakers) and when I sat down I ripped the hook off my dress. Luckily a lady there who was helping was a seamstress but it took an additional 45 minutes for me to come out and after everyone screamed for us, they told me to hurry it up next time and for them standing there for so long proved how much they loved me.

{I love the dark purple and black ribbons! Ribbons are always a great touch to a cake! Go check out Kirstie's cute blog!

5 Little Delights This Week

1. I am enjoying wedding month very much! I love all of these guest posts and seeing all of the different kinds of wedding cakes :)

2. Signing up for classes for the fall semester was so easy. It took about 10 minutes when usually it could take up to 2 hours (or more)!

3. I love when it stays light outside until a little after 9 o'clock. It reminds me of fun summer memories when I was little. We would stay up "late" playing outside because it was still too light outside to fall asleep.

4. Freshly manicured nails. That's all I have to say about that ;)

5. Finding this in Pinterest... I can't wait to try it!

Don't know what the Little Delights Project is? Read more here!

Tomorrow- Cake Spotlight: Kirstie from You + Me = We

P.S. This Wednesday I am going to be hosting a giveaway... you don't want to miss it!!

Tutorial Tuesday: How to Make Your Own Fondant Pearls

Pearls are always a great way to add a classic or fancy touch to your cakes. You can buy fondant/edible pearls from the store, but making your own is super fast and you don't have to worry about running out of pearls while you are decorating a cake. I use silver pedal dust to add the shine!

Here is a tutorial on how to make your own fondant!

Here are some cakes that I found from pinterest that are great examples of pearl cakes.

Although it will be more time consuming, you will be able to customize your sizes and colors if you make the pearls yourself.

Feel free to ask questions if you are going to try and make these for your future cake! I would also love to see pictures of your finished cake :)

Have a great Tuesday!

Cake Spotlight: TJ from His Little Lady

Proposal Story:
The mister proposed to me a week before Christmas 2010, my favorite holiday! As my present, he flew us down from Seattle to California to spend a beautiful day at Disneyland. Well, we must have brought the rain, because the entire weekend it flooded. We didn't let it stop us, however, and in the end it made the day that much better. No lines at Disneyland! None. We went on all the rides we wanted as many times as we wanted. Later that night, my man led me to the car, blindfolded me and drove to a secret location. When I opened my eyes after a full half hour, I saw the ocean. We were at Newport Beach, completely alone, in the rain. As we walked along the beach he professed all the cheesy and romantic lines you could think of and then stopped me, got down on one knee and proposed as the waves crashed along the shore. Yep, I got a keeper, that one.

What were your wedding colors?
My wedding colors were navy, light pink, and cream. 

What cake flavors did you choose?
This sounds terrible, but I can't quite remember the flavors we chose. I know that there was cheesecake somewhere in there. I'll let you know in just a few short weeks when we eat it again for our anniversary ;)

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary? 
Of course! I'm all for traditions!

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
He was proper. I smeared!

Any funny or embarrassing stories of the wedding day?
Something fun and different we did for our wedding favors was that we had a caricature artist do drawing for everyone to keep. To say it was the highlight and funniest part of the day is an understatement.

{This cake is beautiful! I absolutely love the large flowers and the frosting texture! Go visit TJ and her adorable blog! Thank you so much for guest posting!} 

Tomorrow- Tutorial Tuesday: How to make your own fondant pearls!

Cake Spotlight: Andrea from left brain, right brain, pug brain

{This cake spotlight is Andrea's wedding cupcakes! Visit her cute blog here!}

Give a brief summary of how your husband proposed.
There are three things in life I really, really love: going for walks, photography and ice cream. One summer night I was hanging out with Ryan when he suggested taking a walk. We went to a pretty park trail, and he suggested bringing my camera along. A bit odd, but whatever. Halfway through our walk, in a secluded little spot next to a lake, he asked me to take a picture with him. Unbeknownst to me, he was holding the ring above my shoulder in the picture. He asked if it was an okay picture, and when I looked at the screen and saw the ring box, he got down on one knee and proposed. And to celebrate, we went out for ice cream. 

What were your wedding colors?
Hot pink, orange and brown. It sounds like a bad 1970s outfit, but I promise it looked great!

What cake flavors did you choose?
Our cake was an adventure from the beginning. Our wedding theme was a little bit rustic and it was in August, so I really, really wanted to incorporate S'mores, but none of the bakeries around us offered that flavor. So we decided to bake our own. My roommates and I spent months researching and we finally came up with the perfect S'mores cupcake recipe. Our families helped us bake them a few days before the wedding and the night before our big day we iced them with a marshmallow meriginue frosting and toasted the tops with a blow torch (yes, a wee bit redneck, but no one owned a legitimate cooking torch). It was a lot of work, but I'd definitely say they were worth it!

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary?
We didn't save any, but we have the recipe to bake for every anniversary now! 

First bite of cake tradition: smeared or proper?
No cake smash for us.

{Props to Andrea for making exactly what she wanted for her wedding! Those cupcakes look to die for! I just might have to try them myself :) Don't forget to visit her blog... her wedding pictures are amazing!}

5 Little Delights from My Week

Another Thursday which means it's time for the Little Delights Project!

1. Making some pretty awesome fruit smoothies after a great workout.

2. 90 degree weather on Monday. It finally feels like summer!

3. Getting to meet the makers from Kid History this weekend! They premiered their new episode 9. This is my favorite one!

4. Receiving so many kind words/comments from you all this week! Thanks!

5. Launching Wedding Month has been the greatest :) I love weddings!!

Tomorrow is Andrea's guest post from right brain, left brain, pug brain. You don't want to miss it!!

Tutorial Tuesday: Engagement Ring Cupcakes

I'm so excited! This is the first tutorial for wedding month! These engagement ring cupcakes are so perfect for engagement parties. The rings are made out of white chocolate (Wilton chocolate wafers). It looks cute and tastes great! Anyone could pull this off... even my mom tried this last week and did great! If you serve these at a party it is guaranteed that no one will forget about these :)

Let me know if you have any questions! I would love to answer them! If you decide to make these for an event email me some pictures and I will feature them on this post!
Have a great Tuesday!

Cake Spotlight: Clara from Happy in Life, Young in Love

Hey Ladies! I am Clara from Happy in Life, Young in Love and I am so excited to be sharing with you about my Wedding and Wedding cake to day! Weddings are my favorite! 
We celebrate our 2 Year Anniversary on July 17th!! 
I hope you enjoy!!

Proposal Story:
The story of our proposal is not elaborate but simple and dear to me. Ryan and I had just started back our 2nd semester of Sophomore year in College. {We were engaged and married young! It isn't right or possible for most, but I wouldn't do it any other way!} We had been talking about getting engaged, we had been dating for four years {since our sophomore year in high school}. He had just gotten the ring and had attempted a few planned engagement plans like going to the Raleigh arboretum, but he called an they said there were no roses in January. He tried to do something special outside in the courtyard of my dorm, but the day prior I complained about how much I hated my dorm... so with that said he decided to go simple. 

He came over to my parents house early before our dinner on Saturday and lured me out to the driveway to give me a large bouquet of flowers. He got down on one knee and told me many sweet things and asked me to marry him. I was ecstatic and did a fist pump {yes, you read that right} and said YES!!

What were your wedding colors?
I chose a teal blue and canary yellow as our wedding colors. We had 600 lemons in the centerpieces at the reception! It turned out beautiful!

What cake flavor did you chose?
The cake was simple, just like us! We had vanilla pound cake with vanilla butter cream! 
I actually made the cake and decorated it! That is what I was doing after our rehearsal dinner... :D

Did you save the top layer and freeze it for your 1st anniversary? 
We did save the first tier of the cake for our 1st anniversary. We ate a little for tradition but then we also got a small fresh cake from a local bakery as well {gotta be honest, and I probably did not defrost it right, but oh well} 

First bite of cake: smeared or proper?
We did not smear. We were very clean about it haha! I did not want my makeup smeared ;)

Any funny or embarrassing stories of on the wedding day?
Something Funny: After we left the reception, we were so hungry and we had a 3 hour drive to our destination that night that we stopped at McDonalds and got something to eat and we ate it in a drive in car wash so all the stuff on our car wouldn't bake in the sun at the airport for the next week. Oh Weddings!!

{Thanks Clara! I absolutely loved your proposal story :) Your cake is beautiful!!
Don't forget to check out her cute blog! She shares the love of cake decorating :) }

Tomorrow- Tutorial Tuesday: Engagement Ring Cupcakes!

Wedding Month Kickoff!

June is finally here! We are gettin' a little fancy around here :) I'm so excited to kickoff this exciting month full of cake tutorials, guest posts and more! Since I'm not married I'm starting out with spotlighting my mom and dad's wedding cake.  I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure the styles have changed since then ;)

They chose a five tiered cake with fresh flowers and intricate piping!

During this whole month I have asked some fantastic bloggers to guest post with their wedding cake and some fun stories about their proposals and wedding days! You definitely don't want to miss those ;)

Here is the schedule for my upcoming cake tutorials:
June 3: Engagement ring cupcakes
June 10: How to make your own fondant pearls
June 17: Scroll work basics
June 24: Buttercream and fondant roses

Guest posts will be from these awesome bloggers (and more!) every Monday and Friday:

TJ from His Little Lady
Elease from The Little Love Birds
Andrea from left brain, right brain, pug brain
Leigh Ann from Hart to Heart
Kirstie from You+Me=We
Autumn from “Mrs.” In the Making
Clara from Happy in Life, Young in love
Liz from Liz’s Lovely Life
Bronwyn from Our Beautiful Blessings

I will still be doing the Little Delights Project every Thursday. Don't forget to link up!

And a fantastic giveaway somewhere in the middle! 

Sounds like a month full of excitement to me :)

Have a fantastic weekend lovelies!