Tutorial Tuesday: Scroll Work Basics

Scroll work is really popular on cakes that are going for a classic or fancy look. I love scroll work on a wedding cake because it makes it stand out and it looks like there was a significant amount of time spent on decorating it (and there most definitely was!).

This technic takes a lot of practice. I still am not perfect and I love to keep working on it. Make sure that when you are making the swirls that you don't hold the frosting tip right up against the frosting. Let the frosting flow out of your decorating bag and guide it into swirls. I like to study pictures of cake with scroll work on it to give me more ideas and examples that I can add to my cakes. 

Here is a tutorial showing you the scroll work basics on some cupcakes. 

Please let me know if you have any specific questions! This can be hard if you have never done it before :)

Tomorrow is a GIVEAWAY!! The prize is a chocolate Engagement Ring mold found on this post! I recently found out that these are hard to find so I decided to give one away for a lucky person! Don't forget to come back tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What brand and color is you nail polish? Love it! Thanks for the tutorial too!
