Tutorial Tuesday: Graduation Cupcakes

May and June are always exciting months for students who are graduating! I decided that these cupcakes would be the perfect addition to a graduation celebration.

Aren't these little diplomas so cute?! The stars and diplomas are made out of fondant... but don't get scared! All you have to do is cut them out and place them on! I show you the exact way to do it in this video. You can even use your school colors to customize the look!

Happy Tuesday! And congratulations to all of you who are graduating :) I sure can't wait for that day to arrive!

Next Tuesday: Memorial Day Celebration cupcakes!


  1. Loved your blog Brooke! I look forward to them each week!

  2. Just found your blog, and it's adorable! I always try to make "special" 3D character cakes for my boys' birthdays, but I will admit that I am all self-taught and primitive when it comes to cake decorating (think plastic baggies with the corners snipped off for piping). Your tutorials will help so much!

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad :) If you make anything from my tutorials send me a picture and I would love to feature it in a post!

  3. I thought your video presentation was perfect. People are so afraid of fondant. Could you tell me where you got the star cookie cutters? Do you have a video of using fondant? Thanks, Jani at funjani.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you! Sometimes fondant is the perfect touch :) I got them at Hobby Lobby in the cake decorating isle, but I'm sure any craft store with a cake decorating section could have them! I do have a lot of videos with fondant! http://www.thelittledelightsinlife.com/p/tutorials.html here is a link that includes every tutorial that I have! I even show you how to make your own fondant :)

  4. Am I blind or are the instructions for the graduation cupcakes not available to print? I like things written down to look at. Not a huge fan of having to watch video tutorials.
